Is fall out boy up to something?

When is the last time fall out boy record an album? The answer is 2015 , so two years ago most bands record a new album about every two years so ... is fall out boy gonna make an album soon? Well fans freaked out recently when some people living in California took to social media to swear they where asked to be in a new fall out boy music video, then about two weeks later people in select movie theaters' across the united states saw an out of the mill ad all was normal , an ad for a resort in Hawaii ,there was a picture of a person getting proposed at sun set , kids jumping from a dock happily into the water... THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN a huge stormy sky swirls and a HUGE purple wave crashes to shore and then lastly in purple neon letters on shore it read "FALL OUT BOY" then cut to "04-28-17" in purple neon letters on a black backdrop. After fans posted it to social media to ask what the heck is up fall out boy let out that a huge treat is coming to their fans April 28th but then they changed it to April, 27th for the lead singer, Patrick Stump's 33rd birthday on that day. So could it be a new album for their fans who have been begging for more fall out boy?? Well maybe a lot of people have said the sighs point to it , one fall out boy have had very little concerts lately and are due for some new tunes, other theory is that it will be a new hit single either way sighs point to a very amazing thing on April 27th for song thirsty fans like myself. So what do you think, a new sing, a new album or could it be something else ...? Tell me what you think is happening in the comment section!

                                               Video right here if you'd like to see ;) 


  1. So awesome people.... what do you think is happening this Thursday with FOB?????


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